Friday, December 26, 2008

Broylesville Mercantile Establishment

This has been a very good day; nothing lost and nothing gained. Anytime you are old and in an economic era like the present, breaking even is a very good thing.
Carolyn and I had a little picnic yesterday while I was looking for something to shoot. All-in-all it was a pleasant day. I finally ran across a little community called Broylesville which lies between Jonesborough and Limestone. It is one of the oldest communities in Washington County, and I've known of its existence for many years but didn't know its exact location. You may be able to tell from the above photo of the general store that is was a fairly important village in the 19th century. In the next day or two, there will be a few more photos on my Flickr.
Now for the good stuff; The Smoking Gun Mugshots of the Week!

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