Friday, October 12, 2007


Imperfections..., those things that make us unlike anyone else. Some are big and some are insignificant; some are glaring and some are subtle.

Imperfections in appearance, be it skin blemishes, a big nose, or anything else that we may find as "not pretty" aren't the blemishes I'm speaking of.

I'm talking about blemishes in character, the things that matter in the real world. My character flaws are much different than yours, and yours are different than anyone else's. We all have them, and we all try to hide them to some degree, like we hide our physical defects with cosmetics, colognes, and plastic surgery, to name a few.

They are the things that differentiate the people we like from the people we dislike, the ones we fear and the ones we trust.

What we see in people may change from day-to-day, but we usually adjust to these changes in one way or another. That is to say, we overlook things in our friends that we might take issue with or even find disgusting in someone else. Being imperfect is being human.

All animate beings with the exception of humans are more or less perfect; they don't reason about how their neighbors look or how they think. They are driven by basic instincts, nothing else. Their world is perfect.

Our intellects, along with basic needs, drive us. We choose to be the person we are, but when we try to choose how our friends ought to be instead of accepting them as they are, is when relationships suffer. I understand this is a generality and maybe somewhat unfair, but it is the world our minds have created.

We shouldn't perceive things that don't exist, and when they do exist, we should strive to understand and forgive. Understanding and forgiveness of ourselves and others will overcome a lot of our own character flaws. Sometimes it makes us giddy with the euphoria of being the best we can be, and it will always make us smile.

End of sermon.

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