Monday, February 23, 2009

I can see clearly now ... I wish!

Post-fire repairs on the Grindstaff castle

Do you Twitter? I can see where this little social networking site can be useful, especially if you have several friends or contacts to keep up with. If you decide to give it a look and join in, I will be happy if you become one of my Twitter contacts.
Yesterday was not one of my most glorious days. I dropped my towel twice before I could get into the shower and once more after I was in, causing it to get soaked. Then I dropped the soap bar twice and finally said to hell with it and washed with shampoo!

After cleansing, I came here to the computer and could get exactly nothing done. I worked on Jerry's income taxes for a while, then worked on Jeremy's income taxes for a while, but neither got finished. My concentration was practically nil, and I will have to go over them again. I've been like this since Wednesday morning, and it is still much the same today. I drove Carolyn to Elizabethton and Piney Flats yesterday, and was semi-blind all the way. When the allergies are running strong, my eyes become very sensitive to sunlight, so much so that I have to shut the window blinds in the house. It all boils down to these nagging eye allergies, and medicines and drops help but little. I am writing this before it gets so bad today I cannot see the words on the screen.

If anything I have written in the past few days makes less sense than usual, it is because I cannot think clearly. I try not to be around people anymore than I have to be, because I do become quite ill tempered during these times, and Carolyn has learned to avoid me completely.
Obama has appointed hired a crew to make sure the Federal stimulus money goes to the right places. That may seem like a big deal, but I suppose it is more of a political "covering his ass" thing. It will look good to taxpayers, but will be of little importance in the big picture. The problems will lie where they always have; too many dishonest people getting access to the money once it is doled out to states, localities, and agencies. Look for many billions to be siphoned off by bureaucratic thieves, unscrupulous contractors, and everyday workers looking to ease their way through a miserable life.


Mark said...

Twitter, yea I need to be more connected. Christ I am already to connected with Flickr and my blog that you are now the only one reading. Ha, it guess that is what I get for not keeping up on a daily basis.

I was actually thinking of start another blog on art and collectibles. Something with a upbeat and fun feel to it.

Anonymous said...

Twitter will be important when we become famous, but as of now, there are really only four or five people on the net that come to my blog anything like regular. I think I scared some regulars off during the campaign, but I was so mad at politics I could not help myself.

Upbeat is good; you will catch more flies with a spoonful of sugar than with a gallon of gall.

Putting a catchy or relevant daily title on a blog will sometimes pull googlers in for a look.

Art and collectibles will probably be well received, particularly written from a man's point of view.

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