Thursday, February 19, 2009

More economy garbage

From the Roan ...

I love economists! I particularly like the ones that claim to be experts, which includes the majority of them. There is no consensus among them about anything that really matters, yet their individual and collective opinions are used by all major players in money markets world over. Their forecasts and opinions dictate the steps which governments, industries, and corporations will follow for years into the future. The sad fact is that most of the time most of them are wrong. Years ago, several of them predicted the mess we are now in could happen, but few said it would happen. Too many variables, they said. Eliminating variables to get to the hard truth is their job. The concept for throwing all this money into the fray is based on their conclusions, so most variables must have been eliminated. Yeah; right! The one variable they cannot see through the dollar signs is people. Living persons dictate conditions; not money. The habits of people are what controls the economy, and until habits are changed, the economy will remain vulnerable. The United States is still trying to do business the same way it did in 1900, but at a much faster pace. Much has changed since then, but people are pretty much the same now as they were then; fickle. We as a people have chosen to follow a market based economy, yet people's thinking habits haven't changed much even as other nations join us in an accelerated trading market. We all still want our piece of the pie, but we fail to realize the pie was long ago eaten, and new ones are not being baked fast enough. People are what will change things for the good, and people must slow down on the the pie-eating. Corporate America will have to slow down on making and marketing pies when there are more than people can consume. Economists must learn to reconcile the want and need for wealth with the fickleness of people, because that propensity to suddenly change directions is the one thing which people can be counted on to do. Economists will never learn to count money until common sense prevails in their equations and two-plus-two again equals four.
On February 19, 1986, my dad died. He was 65 years of age.
On February 20, 1902, Ansel Adams was born. Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Adams for bringing a great visionary and artist onto the world, and rearing him so his mind could reach far beyond the mundane.


Mark said...

Economists are just speculators for the most part. If people start saving more money that will throw all their ideas out the window.

I hope that happens and this forces deflation. In my mind deflation right now would be a good thing as prices need to drop to reflect income levels.

65 is too young.

Many people love Ansels's work. They sure would appreciate it much more if they knew what he went through to get his shots. He was very deliberate in his work.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I think limited deflation would be good, but like inflation, it can be difficult to control. We are a nation of excesses.

Unlike us, Adams didn't say "I'm going out and shoot a few photos today". After planning a shot, he waited until the conditions were what he wanted.

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