Saturday, November 29, 2008

Watauga Flats home

Wonder why it is that deaths come in threes? I've noticed for years that when someone I know passes, two more family members, friends, or acquaintances will die soon after. Last weekend, one of Carolyn's employees' mom died, them a cousin I've known all my life died, and now the brother of an old neighbor has died. Don't always happen like that, but enough so to be unsettling.
Another Christian holiday is off to a good start. A fatal shooting resulted in a fight over a toy at a Toys "R" Us store in California. In New York, a Wal-Mart temp worker was trampled to death by shoppers lunging into the store as he opend the doors for business yesterday morning. Yep; that good ol' boy preacher is right by suing to make Christmas a holiday for Christians only.
The preacher that helped Congress to decide that the words "under God" just had to be added to the US pledge of alliegence has died, according to the Associated Press. I wasn't taught to say those words when reciting the pledge in school, and I still will not do so; it is not the way it was written or intended. Good riddance, Rev. George M. Docherty! By the way, doesn't the Christian bible say to call no man "reverend"? If so, there are a lot of "no mans" out there.

Keep religion out of government and keep government out of religion!
Thanksgiving was lousy, as are many of our family get-togethers. Someone has to start an argument every year. Carolyn has now sworn off preparing dinners for Christmas and Thanksgiving and Easter form now on, and I don't blame her one iota! I've always looked forward to the feasts, but I would much rather have a peaceful peanut butter sandwich.



The “Pledge” is a lie when it states “...with liberty and justice for all, another lie added(About the god/satan myth) is just another lie added.

Anonymous said...

In reality, it is a lie, but it is based on the Constitution, which was a pretty good document, and it is the best the world has to offer at this time.

As for religion, it is something we will have to live with as long as humans have fears, be it fear of each other or fear of the unknown, such as death.

It seems the most immoral citizens run organizations such as the Moral Majority and Christian Coalition.

Mark said...

The pledge will get changed again to please the moral minority.

Anonymous said...

Welcome back, Mark.

I'm afraid you are correct; unwarranted fear seems to be the dominating cause of our nation's problems.

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