Sunday, November 02, 2008

Buffalo Mountain Park

We went riding yesterday with not much idea of where we wanted to go, so first place we went was Buffalo Mt. park. I got a few decent photos there and we left via the VFW road where the light and colors at Tipton-Haynes Farm were so good I couldn't resist a few shots from the roadway. We left there and ended up atop Unaka Mt. and Pleasant Garden. The view was again obscured by haze, only worse this time than usual, and Johnson City had a thick, brownish looking layer of smog hanging over it, LA style. There was some snow in shaded areas of the mountaintop. We traveled on over to the Beauty Spot, and I walked up the bald to where the Appalachian trail crosses at the TN and NC line. Carolyn has a bad cold and wasn't able to enjoy many of the sights.
Hope everyone had a happy and safe Halloween. When we first moved into our subdivision 14 years ago, the streets were impassable for close to two hours with outsiders driving their little ones (and not so little ones) here for treats. The neighborhood isn't very large, but the houses are on small lots and close together. The city was threatening to close some of the streets to outside traffic becuase emergency vehicles couldn't get through. The last few years haven't been so crowded on the streets as more and richer subdivisions have sprung up, especially in the north side of town and between Johnson City and Jonesborough.
This election is about over; I hope! Whomever wins has got to better than what we have now.
I think I saw Phillip Fulmer filling out his resume in the fourth quarter of last night's massacre in South Carolina.

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