Sunday, November 09, 2008

Shadow; Appy trail marker; dog turd

Cloudy this morning. The air is cool and the remaining tree leaves seem to be limply hanging on, waiting for their fateful fall to the comforting breast of Mother Earth. Very little of the bright colors are left in the larger trees, although some smaller types such as dogwood and some shrubs are still showing various shades of red. The yellows have quickly and quitely turned brown.
Carolyn is threatening to make spaghetti for super today. Hope so. She has decided to do pot roast again this year for Thanksgiving. We don't feed as much family as once we did, and simple food is always best.

I'm not really dreading the Holiday season this year as much as I did the last one. In years past. I allowed the simple life to become too complicated and it became extremely depressing. As for Christmas, I am not religious and have no reason to celebrate the 25th day of December. Instead, I have a personal celebration on the day of winter solstice, which is December 21 this year. To me, it marks the beginning of more daylight as we move toward spring. I also mark the Earth's closet approach to the sun which will be on January 4, 2009. On that day, about 7% more sunlight covers the earth than in our summer time. Every little bit helps in our dead of winter!
The Tennessee Vol football team has reached its lowest point that I can remember in my life time. They had some bad seasons in the early 60's, but back then they didn't have a lot of talent, and they always fought to win. Now, the field is covered with good-to-great players with a tremendous propensity for under achievement! I've seen this day coming since the season after the National championship of 1998. There must be discipline on sports teams, both physically and mentally and from players and coaches. It isn't good to see the head coach and his assistant head coach bumbling around the field with huge pot bellies.
Today is the 16th anniversary of Carolyn starting her own business.

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