Sunday, November 16, 2008

Winter Lament

Veterans monument; Elizabethton, Tennessee

Looks like spring shall be here faster than I expected. I went to bed last evening and it was November, but when I awoke this morning it was January. At least it is what the weather change felt like. Sadly, I would have missed the Thanksgiving feast, but gladly I would have skipped Christmas. The temp is supposed to go to about 43F (6.1C) today, but it won't make it much past 35F (1.6C). The wind is moving along at a nice clip, and of course that is the killer-chiller.
I tried to make some pics in and around the covered bridge in Elizabethton, but my hands got so cold I was nearly helpless. Can't wear gloves due to crooked fingers, so Carolyn is threatening to make me wear socks on my hands. I already look enough of a dofus!

I want to go back there at night and get some shots around the bridge, park, and Doe River.
It is easy to see where a big hunk of the Wall Street giveaway money is going; Congressional Republicans are pocketing it. They know that if any of it is used to help auto makers, there will be less kick backs for them. For Christ's sake, do what is necessary to save the little dab of industry we have left. Then spend some big bucks to get more of it back from communist China! Hell, borrow the money from China to fight that same country tooth and nail for manufacturing industries. Getting this country back as a manufacturer instead as just a consumer is imperative.
People seem still to be awe-struck at Barack H. Obama being elected president. Four the past four years, I have been awestruck that George W. Bush got elected president. It is mind boggling to know the American people did such as unwise thing.


Mark said...

It was 46 here this morning so people are freaking out and tommorrow it is going to 40. Those are cold for Tampa this time of year. I love it.

You should get some batting gloves or something along those lines. At least they are flexible enough to allow you to shoot and would be some protection from the cold.

Anonymous said...

Egads! Every year about this time I think of becoming one of Florida's resident geezers, but I can "enjoy" cold weather here. Just think if this particular cold front hit us in January or February how cold it would be.

Thanks for the tip on the batting gloves; I will definitely look into them.

Mark said...

I tried some Franklin gloves on when one of their sales reps was in the office. Some fit like a second skin so they are flexible.

I think they would work well for shooting. They also make some for cold weather that may be ok.

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