Wednesday, November 05, 2008

One Fine Day

Unaka Mountain Beauty Spot

After yesterday's election slaughter, one might think it is time for this nation to heal old wounds and move on as a leading partner in the free world. I hope the new government will act wisely (snicker) and use its power of checks-and-balances to benefit the people of America and the world without any party ideologies or lobbyist $influences$ (LOL!) in setting legislative agendas.
Tennessee is still safely redneck and Republican along with most of its Old South neighbors. I am proud that Florida and Virginia seceded from the hard core Bible-belt conservatism that has strangled and driven this country into the disgraceful status it now "enjoys". North Carolina is also leaning toward Obama, but as I write this it is too close to call. At least the hateful Dole woman got her ass and her hat handed to her! She can go back to her real home in D.C. with her loser husband.
Carolyn has gone to the hair dresser and on to the grocery store. She will wind up beautiful and flat broke.
I dread to see the holiday season begin; everything is so expensive. I expect we shall have hamburger meat at Thanksgiving this year due to the financial crisis that is affecting us and a lot of other people. Last year we had to forgo turkey (which we really don't care much about anyway) for a pot roast that we already had in the freezer. It was delicious with dressing and cranberry sauce, candied sweet potatoes, green beans, and other goodies. Meat isn't necessary anyway; Carolyn is a great cook and makes the best potato salad and baked beans I've ever eaten. She also makes a super-good meat loaf and her own macaroni and cheese dish. The only thing I give thanks for during the holidays is that every day is another day closer to springtime! For all the other good things in my life—especially people—I am thankful everyday.
Carolyn made vegetable soup yesterday, along with a big skillet of cornbread. It was perfect, even in the warm weather we are enjoying! There is enough left for us to have today, and I am heading to the kitchen!
Life is good when one has a reason for optimism!


Mark said...

When you look at the states the McCain won it is amazing how in many of those the difference between Obama and McCain is crazy.

Florida and Virgina changed because of population shifts. The northern part of Florida is still part of the old south. When you drive around there you notice quickly it is not the Florida most people think of.

I am hoping for the best. Picking Rahm Emanuel seems to be getting favorable nods so far.

Anonymous said...

Education is the only thing that will bring the old south into mainstream America. Understanding will eventually drive away the fear.

I hope to see a very diverse Executive branch.

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