Monday, August 04, 2008

Flip-flopping Barack

Feeling a bit poorly today; must be a virus of some exotic type. Just old age, more than likely.
I see Mr. Obama has flip-flopped on the offshore oil drilling issue. He is now willing to go along with limited drilling in the fragile seas. He is just as chicken-shit as any other candidate that has run for that peculiar office, and he has sold out to the big oil interests. The candidates just don't get it! We have to cut our oil consumption and we have to do it now. What happens when that resource is gone? We've been paying lip service to oil conservation since the early 1970's, and I see no indication anywhere in anyone's "workable" plan that will make it happen. You and I have to do this; not the nice folk in power whom are owned by big business. I bet George and Dick are laughing their sorry asses off! Hey, all you mis-made jackasses in high places; we want to be heard!


Mark said...

Its the summertime blues.

Friggin' Barak the trader. I do not mind when he changes his mind, however like I predicted he is swinging to the right more and more. He votes for FISA and now calls for offshore drilling and releasing oil from the petroleum reserves. Maybe I'll write him in on the Republican ticket. I guess he wants to just hand the election to McMoron. Sometimes I wonder why I care.

Anonymous said...

Whether he will go through with his stupid oil plan if elected, remains to be seen. This is mostly to fight McCain's recent jump in the polls. Fight idiocy with stupidity.
Just politics as usual.

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