Friday, August 22, 2008

Another dull day in the 'burbs. Got my shot; whoop-de-do!
The Fed chairman is reporting to Congress that the financial crisis is taking a toll on the economy. I suppose that by hearing it from someone will be the only way our lawmakers would know about it, because they are so isolated from it. If I need a tooth pulled, I will check to see if I can come up with enough money to pay a dentist. If a president or his henchmen, a congressman, or a Supreme Court judge needs dental work, they just have a limo carry them over to Walter Reed Hospital for free care. They could give a damn less how much pain you and I are in.
Obama is going to reveal the answer to the big mystery! Tomorrow we should know whom he has picked for his second in command. If it isn't me or you, then to hell with it; it doesn't matter one iota.
McCain doesn't know how many houses he owns. However many it is, I bet the mortgage payments aren't too awfully high. I also bet he doesn't know how many servants he owns, either.
I feel so badly about Obama and McCain being merely wealthy instead of members of the super rich club.
Reckon either of those two gentlemen ever sit down and surf blogs like this one to see what Jane and Joe Average think about things? Probably have a servant do so once a year or so and report the highlights to a loyal secretary (personal assistant) whom conscientiously files them away for them to read later. They listen to the heartbeat of America!

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