Friday, March 28, 2008

Vanessa and Me

Today has been a dandy; I've felt really good, but everything else has sucked. One of Carolyn's helpers is in hospital with possible heart problems, and another is going to have a bunch of teeth extracted next Thursday. If the heart isn't well enough to work by Thursday, it will put Carolyn to doing all but two of the the buildings by herself, and she can't do them. We will try to get her a helper from the family, but that may also be difficult. I told her not to worry and fret about it, but I know she will. Hopefully in six months, she can walk away from the problems of running a small business. We may have to live in semi-poverty when she retires, but that would beat hell out of the way we live now.
I don't know what the Vol men left on the floor when they whipped Memphis, but they have played very poorly since. They took a terrible thrashing at the hands of Louisville last evening; a whipping that should not have happened.
As you can see from the above photo, I've been digging through boxes and finding things I'd forgotten existed. Since this photo was made, 'Nessa has grown up, I've grown old, and Alice (the photographer) has become more beautiful.
I hereby thank the paramedics and the staff of the JCMC emergency room for stabilizing me when I was in dire straits. I wish I could remember all their names, but alas, I don't. Thank you very much, ladies and gentlemen.


Anonymous said...

Good Picture. Now you and I both have gray hair and Nessa is a mother of two teenagers. Alice

KenA said...

Of course it is a good picture... you took it! I remember it but I bet you don't. Heh-heh; there are a few more...

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