Thursday, February 09, 2012

Homo Contineo in my mirror

Better think twice before “unfriending” someone from your Facebook page.
Facebook has become a way of life for many people; in fact it has become their entire life and religion. Folks get up each morning, rush to the PC and check their FB page before they even go to the bathroom. When they leave the PC, they have an iPad or iPhone or similar devices with them so they can stay “in touch” with their “friends” around the world. Quality time on the toilet has decayed from newspaper reading to become a time to see who is gossiping about whom.
Before we became humans and “civilized”, we swung around in trees all day long, eating, quarreling, having sex, and scratching our genitals. For millions of years we evolved to become the dominant species on Earth—homo sapiens—only to now begin evolving into a new species of enlightened ape-men. We are becoming homo contineo* (Latin: connected man). Maybe we are not evolving; perhaps we are devolving to the point where we need only to stay in our tree house all day while we virtually connect with millions of other tree dwellers, eating when we have pressing need to do so, quarreling with other apes we have never met face to face, virtual flirting, and scratching our itchy genitals because we cannot become disconnected long enough to bathe.
Well, we are what we are, and all we can do is pray to the gods of electrons that the electricity doesn’t go off even for a minute. Some people Facebook and some people, like myself, blog, and I am personally lost in the ether’s nether-world when I cannot connect. I too have become a homo contineo troglodyte; I am the connected, living machine.
*Have I coined a new phrase?
Have a connected Thursday, my friends.

1 comment:

Maggie said...

I see that Daffodil... so you used the AA batteries with your good ol' SEIS? Good thing you got to it before Sammy discovers it and needs to bring it to his Grampa.

incredible post above about the way our social structure is changing. Its scary, isn't? Well maybe not for you, but for us wire-less, witless non techies... it can be a wonderment.

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