Monday, February 06, 2012

“But whenever Monday comes …”

The Super bowl was dull for the most part. Used to be you could expect one decently entertaining commercial during the big money event, but even ad agencies were far less than stellar in their promotions.
Has anyone seen Mel Gibson’s movie Apocalypto? I put off watching the flick for many years because of Gibson’s highly publicized religious slurs. I watched it via Netflix streaming and found it to be a pretty good movie, well made and well acted. If you don’t care for graphic violence against animals and humans, you should probably refrain from seeing this film. This trailer is the least disturbing of the ones I found online.
Sammy was here Saturday and again Sunday; he was fine and happy the first day but yesterday he was feeling badly. He will be back today.
I have my first bad winter cold of the season. Phooey!
Thanks to Tammy for the Woody Harrelson video; he is one of my favorite actors and is also cool as they come.
Have a gallant Worshday!

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