Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Books, Nooks, and spoiled brat actors

I have stocked up on e-books; I purchased the two follow-up books to the The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. The second book is The Girl Who Played With Fire and the third one is The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest. I also bought Enslaved By Ducks and Regarding Ducks and Universes; along with finishing the short story The Mill on the River Utrata, I should have enough reading material to get by for a few weeks.
It is rumored that Verizon, now that they are selling the iPhone, will begin using a tiered fee system to replace the current $30 per month unlimited rates. This is what happens when smaller companies are swallowed up by conglomerates and "competition" becomes only a word. If so, I will put my Droid on Ebay and get a regular prepaid cell phone for my own use. I will also try to purchase a Nook wi-fi reader for my books; I am now buying most of them from Barnes and Noble and Google anyway. I don't have a contract on the Droid, so there will not be any monetary penalties involved. The color Nook reader has a web browser and there are apps for it, so as long as I have wi-fi access, I should be a happy little reader.
I didn't even know Charlie Sheen (Estevez) had a TV show until I saw something about him on the net. His entire family seems to be composed of pretty good actors, but I've always thought of Charlie as being a bit "different" from his dad and his siblings. Martin, Charlie's dad, is a much better than average actor; I liked him in the movie Enigma.
The grass is nicely greening and the red maple trees look to be ready to pollinate my world. We still haven't had a "warm" day, but there have been many mild ones. It is a bit too cool and windy to do any real porch sitting.
Have a stupendous Wednesday!

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