Sunday, February 27, 2011

Homo evolutis

Carolyn replaced our flannel winter sheets with summer percales after hanging them in the sun all day yesterday; only one thing smells better in bed than sun kisses sheets.
"We have already started to evolve from Homo sapiens (a conscious hominid) into Homo evolutis: Homo evolutis is a hominid that directly and deliberately controls the evolution of its own and other species."
I was browsing the Amazon Kindle book store when I ran across this little gem titled Homo Evolutis*. It's available only in Kindle format, 58 pages long, and is a precursor to the full edition which has yet to be published. The e-book gives us a preview of our own evolutionary next step, from Homo sapiens into Homo evoloutis and tells it in layman terms and with lucid insights and humor. When talking about how microbes will play a huge role in our next evolutionary step, the authors—Juan Enriquez and Steve Gullans—say:
"Some societies, and certainly some mothers, are more obsessed by cleanliness than others.
Too much cleanliness can be harmful.
Which may be one reason why, because of the original diversity exposure of gut colonization, some developed world tourists are far more prone to serious bouts of Montezma's Revenge, Delhi Belly, Turkey Trots, Cairo Cramps, Dakar Dash, Rangoon Run, Trotsky's ..."

If you have a Kindle or Kindle reader software on your PC or other device, at $2.99 it is a worthwhile read.
I just finished my second reading of The Mill on the River Utrata from the book Jola sent me. It is one of the better and subtle comparison and contrast stories I've read in a long time. The author, Jaroslaw Iwaszkiewicz, handles this polarized story very well. I will read it once more and ad sticky notes.
Yesterday I spotted a couple of possible photo ops in downtown JC, but today it rains and I will have to delay my effort.
Have a good week ... don't read or watch any news reports.
*©2010 by the authors

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