Tuesday, August 07, 2007


12:45 pm. I wonder why? If I get caught speeding in an automobile, I may have to pay a fine of $100 to $200 for something that isn't even classified as a misdemeanor. If I am an illegal alien in the US, I am a felon that receives nearly all the benefits of a citizen, yet I have to pay no taxes. If I'm caught, I'll be deported, and within a month, I'll be back in the US illegally and still not paying taxes. What are you going to do about it?

Why are we wasting our soldiers lives in the Mid-east and wrecking the lives of their families back home? Why are we spending billions of uncollected tax dollars on a "war" that can't be won? Hell, we don't even know whom the enemy is. What are you going to do about it?

Why are we ignoring the obvious about the rapidly changing world weather patterns? How long has it been since we've had a cold, snowy winter in East Tennessee? From the time I can remember—before 1950—we had such winters until the late 1980s. Since the end of winter in 1992, we've had two big snows. I don't like winter and a lot of snow, but it is better than what is happening. We've had two major droughts around here since the mid-eighties. What are you going to do about it?

Why am I asking you this, when you probably don't give a big enough damn to do something on your own. After all, Washington will fix it. If you did care, you would be screaming at our elected government, the one YOU put in place and that dwells in the money pits of hell, to get off its ass and do something positive for our country and our world. What are YOU going to do about it?

America, ask yourself the same thing Neil Young asked in a song; Why do I keep fucking up?


The temp is now 88°, light wind, and extremely hazy. Relative humidity is 68%.
Plainly said: It is hot and muggy.

2:02 pm. Ashley just phoned to tell us that Chris is being admitted to the hospital. Kidney infection for one thing. Carolyn is on the way over there.


Anonymous said...

How is Chris?

Anonymous said...

Doctor hasn't been in yet, but she is pretty sick. I haven't been able to go over there yet, but Carolyn is still there.

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