Monday, March 26, 2007

Jessica's Girl

1:00 pm Not too much today. A friend surveyed me via email; very interesting, indeed.

Carolyn came in from the back porch and told me that there was a very large black bird wandering around in our neighbor's yard. I peeked out the window and saw that it was a buzzard, therefore I went and hid, knowing that it was I whom he sought. I had better take a bath.

2:10 pm Carolyn's new cleaning equipment arrived from Ft Worth, Texas. Got to get it unpacked. Buzzard still lurking about.

7:30 pm Had shower. Buzzard nowhere to be seen. Sit on porch for a while.

"Here's a tragedy for you. Jessica's Girl has bronchitis and can't possibly last the night. Jessica's Girl is a horse. Poor Jessica's Girl." -Bette Davis as Judith in Dark Victory

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