Saturday, September 13, 2014


Cloudy, wintry look outside today even though the world is still green. A day for blues and melancholy. I don’t look forward to winter but I know another lovely spring will follow in its time. There is not much positive about winter except it is a time to stay indoors and make sweet, easy love. Oh, to be once more young.

The boys will be here tomorrow and I will be worn to a frazzle by the time they leave. They both compete for lap time on me because I find things on the PC for them to see. Mason wants “Choo-choos” and Sammy wants latest super-hero toys. Yes, the do fight.

Big football game tonight for my Tennessee Volunteers. The young team has little chance of winning but it will be a learning experience they will need. Their day will come, maybe not this year but soon.

Stay easy, dear friends.

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