Friday, November 18, 2011


For some reason, I have fallen into a bit of a funk; I was ok until I went to doc yesterday but have been lethargic since I got back home. Perk up Shoe; you got work to do! Shoe (short for Tennis-shoe but I won’t get into that story) is one of my many nicknames; most of my closest offline friends refer to me as Shoe … except for Fly who calls me Shoody-doody; Gawd! Alice still calls me Ken and my family and people I know from my school days call me Wayne. My tramping friends called me Slim or Tennessee. I am a coat of many colors; add your own hue if you like.
Hard frost this morning. Carolyn is working and later today will keep Sammy while his mom works.
The new Krispy-Kreme donut shop opened earlier this week and still cars are lined up along the streets as people try succumb to their delicacies. I like their donuts, but I intend to keep buying from the local mom-and-pop shop as long as it is open.
I got a flu shot along with a pneumonia shot at doc’s yesterday and I’ve lost two pounds more weight. Carolyn got her flu shot day before yesterday and is complaing of a sore arm; she is such a wuss. My arms are fine.
I wrote only a few hundred words for Lover last evening and what I turned out isn’t quality prose. Anyway, I got the idea down and will work to improve it as I go along. Shucks, I am still periodically editing the first paragraph of the story. So far, I have nearly 8,000 words typed out and I should easily get 2,000 more even before I begin expanding my ideas. I don’t want to drown the story in words which seems to be the norm these days. I suppose some of those authors are being paid by word output and others just don’t know when to shut up. I like writing pure fiction, if there is such a thing; I can’t help but put a bit of my personality along with that of others I have known into it. Fiction mimics life.
Have a great weekend!

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