Saturday, November 19, 2011

Flush me up, Scotty!

Hizzin and Hern

Today is World Toilet Day! I love my toilet. I remember many of the ones which through the years made my life better. Most were dear friends who allowed me to take a load off my mind and were always open to share my urgent needs. A few of them became indispensable on Saturday nights during and after hardy partying; I loved hugging their cool enamel as I lay prone on the floor with my head or chin resting on their rims. However, I think they are being slighted a bit by having their special day before Thanksgiving. I believe the day after Thanksgiving would be a better salute to our loos. On that day we could share our turkey and trimming discards with them thus preparing them for the remainder of the long, holiday season where they will be heavily used by squatters, grunters, groaners, gassers, strainers, squirters, and the beloved huggers. We should all join hands and have a petition drive to delay this memorable day of celebration until Black Friday.
In the meantime, Happy Toilet Day dear friends!
When Jola was vacationing on the Polish Baltic Sea back in early September, wrote me a note telling me she sent Carolyn and me a couple of postcards. After nearly two and one-half months in transit, they came in the mail yesterday. I will soon post copies or photos of them.
Happy Saturday!

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