Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day Dot. I Miss You.

Happy Mom's Day to my bride of nearly forty-three years.
You're still my punkin.

Happy Mother's Day to Alice and Robin. You are very special to me.


Carolyn cleaned the office carpet yesterday. Mostly coffee spills.

Later, we went for a drive through the countryside, out by Boone Lake and then into old town for a banana split. Back home for burgers on the grill along with fried potatoes and onions. Also, she served sliced green peppers and cucumbers on the side. A cold Miller—vintage last month—topped-off everything.

Seeing that none of her kids are going to take her out for a meal, Carolyn is planning garden salad, salmon cakes, and mashed potatoes and peas for supper. Later, we plan to watch Ben Stiller's Night at the Museum and maybe Monty Python and the Holy Grail. We've seen the latter a couple of times, but it's one of those "watch me again" type movies.

If the people of France had sense of humor as do the British, this old world would be so much the better. However, the French are immersed in self perpetuating national paranoia and are infected with elitism which, I fear, will lead to eventual disaster.


Dovic 23 said...

"Carolyn is planning garden salad, salmon cakes, and mashed potatoes and peas for supper."

Am i invited too ? :P

Oh yeah, British people have the best sense of Humour, i watch most of the BBC sitcom's and they're amazing, definitely not for everyone, but then again, they're brilliant at what they do to entertain people.

Anonymous said...

Hey vamsi!

Shucks yes, come on over. She always makes enough for an army.

BBC is one of my favorite channels. Their language is English, but sometimes I have trouble interpreting it to my southern dialect.

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