Monday, October 06, 2014

“L.A.’s fine …”

LA from Griffith Observatory

Jeremy at Griffith Observatory

More pics from Jeremy and Courtney. I like this view of  Los Angeles. They still have a smog problem but not as bad as it once was. I have seen older views from the observatory where downtown could not be made out because of the smog. The photo of Jeremy is very good, showing off his dreads and, considering the apparent time of day, I used a warming filter before uploading it. Thank you Jeremy and Courtney. You are becoming very good photographers.

We had our first official frost Sunday morning. Temperature was just at freezing point but the wind was briskly blowing at our house therefore no frost showed. Jerry lives in a sheltered mountain cove and he said it was fairly heavy at his house.

The day here began sunny but it is now raining, one of those cold showers akin to what well-meaning friends drag you into when they want to sober you up or like you do when you are horny and your wife says “hell no!”.

Have a fine week, my friends.

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