Monday, September 03, 2012

Honor the working people

I darned sure am not going to miss Sun Myung Moon and hopefully many more of the rip-off televangelists around the world soon follow his example. Always preying on the most gullible and the poorest. I hope that Pat Robertson and Billy Graham will soon follow the Korean to whatever heaven is appropriate for such filth.

We must be getting the leftovers from the hurricane which hit Louisiana last week. I have seen but one robin in the past week and other migrators have also thinned out or disappeared. A few trees are shedding early leaves and the photo-sharing sites are already posting autumn color shots. Wrens are cuddling in Carolyn’s Boston ferns but she will bring the greenery in before first frost. The little birds seem always to find another place to winter until she once again hangs the baskets in mid-spring.

Have a good Worshday everyone and a great Labor Day to all the working men and women of the world.

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