Thursday, September 04, 2008

Happy Birthday Ivy

Took Carolyn to doc's for her checkup, and she is in A-1 top shape, at least for someone of her advanced years.
My aunt Iva (Dot's sister) turned 80 years old today. Happy Birthday Ivy! When I was young, I thought Ivy was much older than me, but 16 years isn't much difference. My grandma, my mom, and Ivy have all served as a mother for me at one time or another.
We are getting ready to leap into the home stretch with this year's political circus. One thing for sure, if Palin is politically and morally clean, she is very well set to be the first woman president in US history. McCain doesn't even have to win for this to happen. Maybe in four years from now, or maybe in eight or more. If McCain should win this year, with his health problems and his age, the "one heartbeat away from being president" saying may put her there before long. Is she ready? This ain't Alaska! Isn't she just the sweetest thing!?

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