Sunday, August 26, 2012

Dust in the wind

Sammy was over yesterday to use his swimming pool; he had a lot of fun and Ashley made a few photos of him. Earlier, he made his first visit to the fair and he was not impressed. H paid no attention to the animals and rides and didn’t even like cotton candy.

The passing of Neil Armstrong is being noted and lamented around the world; he was the right man for the time.

A bit of good news on our economic situation; one of Carolyn’s old accounts wants her back. It is only a three evening per week job but right now, every little bit helps. She has only three more payments and her work van will be free and clear. That is another $400 per month we hopefully won’t have to worry about.

Yesterday I downloaded The Lord of the Rings all in one volume. Haven’t read it since high school. A couple of weeks ago I read Ghetto Diary by Janusz Korczak, a beautifully written account set in WW2 of the final sad days of most of the remaining Warsaw Jews in Nazi death camp. This is a heart-breaking story we should all read and understand. I also read The Dispossessed by Ursula K. Le Guin. It has good lessons for all of us.

Have a good week a-comin’!

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