Thursday, January 05, 2012

Ten Yeas After

Dorothy Mae Phillips Anderson September 27, 1919 - January 5, 2002
It would appear that Iowa Republicans don’t like any of the scruffy politicians the Party has presented them. The next election will be another shameful blot on America’s slide into the status of “just another greedy country”. Conservatives have no one whom is likeable and has any fresh or realistic ideas to help the nation wean itself from the clutches of the almighty dollar. The Democrats have Obama who is a proven spineless lawyer and politician who will sell out his people  for a drop of oil. Really no choice for the future in the presidential arena and congressmen and congresswomen continue to prove that their own self interests are placed above the good of We The People.
My Mother passed away ten years ago today. I still sometimes on sleepless nights or during quiet periods during the day wonder if there was something I could have done to prolong her beautiful, delicate life. She placed her trust and faith in her only son to make sure she would be as comfortable as possible and to receive the proper care she required and deserved. Somehow I feel I let her down by not raising enough hell with the medical professionals who were supposed to be helping keep her alive with some semblance of dignity and optimism. Instead, I feel my own tardiness in making them do what was right eventually led to her death; a death not brought on by not by her infirmities, but by the negligent use of drugs used to treat her. She died of potassium poisoning.
Dot, I and nearly everyone you touched in your 82 years were blessed by your presence. You were a mother to Carolyn and I, to our children, and for our grandchildren and I know little Sammy would have adored you. I love you, Mama …
Have a good Thursday, my friends.

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