Saturday, January 21, 2012


Sammy was here until 11:00 last night; we had a good time playing and watching cartoons. He is back today and came in wearing his bib overalls and a red shirt; much like some of the old farmers I wrote about a few days ago.
We had thunderstorms last night and today is nearly continuous rain. Thursday I saw a fat, male robin in the yard and he acted like he may stay for awhile. I also saw a pair of rufus-sided towhees this week and a mockingbird has set up his territory around the suet feeder; he is constantly on guard against any suet thieves; the smaller birds are upset but the big peckerwoods pay him no mind.
I am sleeping better every night since I stopped taking the Ambien.
Have a great Saturday and weekend!
Put your right foot in
Take your right foot out
Put your right foot in
Then you shake it all about
And then you do the hokey pokey
Turn yourself around
That’s what it’s all about

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