Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Think rain!

I ain’t going to complain about the hot temperatures we are having because about six months from now I will be wishing I had them back. But, we sure could use some rain.

Ashley didn’t work today so Sammy was not here for a visit; maybe tomorrow. Carolyn bought him an inflatable swimming pool and she has plans for him to get into it tomorrow. Like most boys, he don’t even like a bathtub so I don’t have much hope for his taking to the pool very readily.

That’s all from Rocky Top; have a Tuesday.


Maggie said...

hiya Rocky Top

We are having the craziest weather. Temperatures do down and up again in a matter of a few hours in the afternoon. From apx 10 to 15 C in a few hours.
We need rain too. Keeping my fingers crossed... well... might as well be superstitious.. it works as well as anything in this crazy world.

email me a link to your new story, please

Anonymous said...

I don't think there is such a thing as 'normal weather patterns' anymore. TV weatherman does a lot of grinning but says the same thing day after day.
My new story is ideas in my head; I hope to begin writing tomorrow.
Thanks, Maggie.

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