Wednesday, May 02, 2012

A good garden may have some weeds. ~Thomas Fuller

Looking at the pic of Tammy’s garden made me realize a thing or two. People these days can grow a lot of good stuff in a small space. Urbanization has shrunk our personal worlds from acres down to square feet yet we probably get as much yield from the smaller places as we did from what seemed like endless rows when I was a boy on my grandma’s (mom’s) land. Another thing, even though she had huge vegetable gardens each year, but she never grew flowers in or near them … with one exception. Gladiolas. Every year saw a single, long row of  glads of various colors smack in the middle of the garden, and until I was looking at the pic, the fact that mom did this hadn’t tweaked my mind. Now, I wonder if the flowers were there for decoration or if she had a purpose for them, such as maybe some scent from them deterred bugs or birds. She kept a lot of old traditions and notions about how things should and must be done. Mom loved flowers and her house and yard were surrounded by as many kinds as she could get to thrive from March through October. Were the glads banned form the yard or were the other flowers banned from the garden? Anyone have a clue? Personally, I think they were there to break the monotony of seeing the same green plants all the time. Mom was quite a lady; shy and old-fashioned but still a woman who loved the beauty of nature.

Did you know that if you plant certain tomatoes close to potatoes that the potato plants may grow tiny green tomatoes? Fact!

If the weather was any prettier than what it is today, it would be taxed by the government.

Sammy is on the way … O’ glorious day!

Have a great Wednesday, my friends.

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