Monday, April 04, 2011

Blessed relief from winter welter

I made one photo this morning
White stripes on morning blue as tiny silver jets sparkle in morning sun, leading their fuzzy contrails across the heavens—north, south, east, west—waygone people scurry about without moving their feet; blessedly disassociated with the turning world below.
Is there beginning to become some real parity in the world of college basketball? None of the top ranked teams—men or women—going into the NCAA tournament have survived. Probably a one-time fluke but no one team can take another team for granted at any time during the season, particularly at tournament time.
When I finish this and get a bit of work done; it will be back to the sun-drenched porch for more of the good life. Male robins spent the morning squabbling over territory, but there is a disturbing lack of females about. They are usually here by this time of year; fattening up for nest building and  child raising. The first brood of babies leave the nest around June 1st.
Do not fret the worsh day … just have it done and over with.

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