Monday, June 24, 2013

Aches and Hackers

Still awaiting a surgery date. The doctor should release me from the pneumonia thing on Monday next. The cough is all but gone away but the backache, though greatly lessened in intensity, is persistent. Mark gave me a clue about the back pain. He mentioned that his mom’s first diagnosis was for pneumonia and I think I remember him saying she had backache also. Naturally, I googled. Back pain can be a part of pneumonia.

Do you use a “cloud service” to store or backup stuff from your PC, smartphone, or tablet? If so, be aware that my cloud account was compromised (hacked) and some porn photos were uploaded to it. I won’t say which cloud service it was because they are supposed to be investigating the mess. Anyway, I deleted all my stuff from the site and am now back to backing my files by other means. This happened to me on Flickr not long after i joined that site back in ’06. I couldn’t even delete the offending photo but when I informed administration it was quickly removed.

Enough for today.

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