Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Another day of ‘up before the sun’. Another day of eye allergies, too. Cold last night; 31°F (.5°C) and supposed to be about the same tonight and tomorrow night. Chilly today but should be warm for the weekend. O’ Spring … how I miss ye!

I also miss Sammy on the days he isn’t here and there will probably be a lot more days without him from now on. We played with him extra hard yesterday because his dad is coming home and we will not see my Little Buddy as much. Carolyn’s eyes were damp after she came back from taking him home yesterday and our house was so was quiet; Sammy’s toys were still strewn about the floor and signs of his presence were everywhere. The sudden loneliness grabbed me a bit, too. Maybe we can keep him at least one day each week.

Have a great Wednesday!

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