Monday, December 23, 2013

Figgy pudding

I doubt there has been a bluegrass band that hasn't played this classic Salty Dog Blues at one time or another.

On the way home from rehab last Tuesday Carolyn nearly hit another deer.

I am off from rehab for a couple weeks. The soreness in my knee is keeping me from doing anywhere near my best. It is keeping me from using the cane except on a few days when it isn't so bad. The knee is still not straight but I am working on it.

Carolyn fell while at work Friday morning. I think she has a sprained clavicord with possible complications.

Carolyn all of a sudden decided to make candy for the family for Christmas. Chocolate, peanut butter, and a mix of the two. Delicious.

I am down to 223 lbs from a high of 278 lbs two years ago.

Need to buy tires for the Escape and do some more work on it. Leak from oil pan and tranny fluid needs changing.

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