Monday, October 17, 2011

Another war for Holy Oil

I read where there has been a sizable oil discovery in Central Africa. Obama is sending some fully armed troops into Central Africa. For a president who declares he is going to get us out of such conflicts, doesn’t this seem a bit strange? Well, no. If major oil companies want troops sent, then there will be troops sent. Remember Kuwait and Iraq? Another tip that it is being done for Big Oil is the fact that Congress is not raising hell about the deployment of more troops in harm’s way. When big oil owns the government, things get done and most of those things are detrimental to freedoms of the ninety-nine percent. It is disquieting when government is so hush-hush about something as serious as getting more of our troops killed in the name of Holy Oil.
Did you see the video clip of the undercover cop pushing a protestor inside CitiBank just so he could arrest her for trespassing? Is this Your America?
For years I have been challenging America to wake up to the underhanded shenanigans of our politicians whom have become prostitutes to big business. Seems like with the occupy movement, some of us are suddenly climbing out of our dreamworld and realizing the financial, cultural, and educational nightmare this nation has become. We must awaken many more and show them the truth so that they may become active in the effort before the one-percent slips us a Mickey and sends us back to the sandman of complacency. In high school, I had to take a half-credit course concerning the problems of democracy. Not for one minute did it cover any of this kind totalitarianism. Wake up America!

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