Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Ball-Mason jars

Wouldn’t ya know it; all night long and not one train!
Carolyn has changed her “getting my hair done” day from Wednesday to Tuesday; now I will be more confused for the rest of my life. Only her hairdresser knows for sure.
For Tammy: Once upon a time I inherited all of my grandmother’s blue Ball-Mason canning jars, everything from pint to half-gallon. There were also hundreds of glass-lined galvanized lids and sealing rubbers. As of my previous move, I had less than a dozen of the jars left, one or two lids, and no rubbers. I don’t know that there are any left after this present move, but if there are and you want them and if I can find them, you are welcome to them. One of the half-gallon jars was found by me in 1975 in the hole-in-the-ground root cellar that was once under my g.grandmother’s house; it has to be very old; the house was abandoned in the early 1920′s. I hope I still have it.
My PC just crashed again giving me the old Microsoft B.S.O.D. salute. It does it most when I am browsing You Tube videos. The problem probably lies in interaction between outdated Windows XP and Adobe Flash Player or my video card. I’m thinking video card. Anyway, I won’t have a video for today.
Have a Tuesday!

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