Friday, September 30, 2011

1st class priority mail

Save our rural post offices! The United States Congress is on a rampage of rape and pillage throughout the nation—targeting mostly the poor, the young, the ill, and the elderly—and closing 2,600 postal facilities across the country is another slap-down to the people who most need their local offices. The U.S. postal system is a government corporation and is supposed to be self-sufficient but it needs help. Obama, McCain, and most of the rest of Congress busted their asses to bailout Wall Street, so now it is time to serve We The People by saving the oldest public institution in the U.S. Wake up, America!
The photo of Sammy which I posted yesterday was made by Ashley but she used my camera so I should get some of the credit!
I think Carolyn may have her old van sold; I hope so because she has little use for it and it is a gasoline hog.
Gonna get cold tonight and be very wet and chilly tomorrow, more like November than October. I suppose I will have to start wearing long pants, socks, and underwear again.
Have a pleasant weekend, Dear Ones.

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