Friday, October 11, 2013

The hills are alive

Not much going on here in the hills. Leaves are slowly losing green pigment and their true colors are showing. Between the fifteenth and twenty-fifth should be the best time for color at mid-elevations in the mountains. Damn, I wish I could walk!

Do every day Americans really pay any attention to what is going on in our elected government unless it directly affects them in some astute way?

The Senate is holding hearings on Social Security disability fraud. Some law firms are alleged to be nothing more than disability factories who buy doctors and federal judges whom will approve every case sent to them. Some doctors even come to lawyer’s offices and do a ten-minute evaluation on people whom claim to be physically or mentally unable to work. One firm in W. Va. is under fire at present in the hearing along with the local Social Security claims office which seems to be corrupt. I imagine the investigation is nationwide and that the fallout will be big. S.S. fraud is costing the taxpayers hundreds of millions each year.

Is Bernie Sanders the only decent Senator In Washington, D.C.?

Some birthdays this month and I hope I don’t forget the particular days. Jeremy, Alice, and JJ are celebrating; hope I haven’t forgotten anyone.

Have a great weekend, my friends!

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