Thursday, June 30, 2011

Only raindrops

Happy Birthday, Ziggy!!!
Thanks from Carolyn and her ol’ man for the anniversary wishes, everyone.
Not enough time in a day for a person as self-important as I. Been having some breathing problems when I lie down so I will visit the heart doc today. I’m sure tests will follow over the next week or so. Being old is crappy; being old and crippled is crappier; being old, crippled, and having heart problems is crappiest. Could be worse; I could lose my sense of humor … or (gasp), my good looks!
Just bought a Nook book written by Albert Brooks. I generally don’t do celebrity stuff, but this one seems to be different enough to warrant a look; most critics and readers like it. The tome is titled 2030: The Real Story of What Happens to America. Amazon has a Kindle version plus the normal archaic, horse-and-buggy, old fashioned paper-page kind.
Have a reasonably good Thursday!

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