Monday, May 19, 2008

The most relaxing thing that I do is watch the surface of a puddle as small raindrops fall. It's mesmerizing to see the reflected sky suddenly give way to a tiny splash and ripple, then more and more ripples as the rain intensity increases. Soon, each ripple becomes only a momentary stir as the surface is lightly agitated all over, and the waxing and waning of the rain causes the dance to seem as if alive. Sometimes it lasts for only moments, but then there are times it may keep me hypnotized for minutes. Other times, the visual serenity is broken by larger drops hitting, and then is the time to listen to the rhythms of life-giving water as it insists on seeking mother earth. Usually after the larger drops are through churning the puddle, the small splashes begin again, slowly decreasing in intensity until each one has an accompanying ripple and then there is once more nothing but the reflection of the sky with maybe a bit of breeze to disturb the mirror. It is the time when I most contemplate the little part I play in the Cosmic chaos... I am a raindrop.

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