Monday, January 26, 2015


Expecting the tail-end of the the big snow storm to his us this afternoon. The sky is gray and flurrying as I write this. It’s Obama’s fault.

It sure took our present president long enough to turn from wimp to at least a semblance of  leader. Six years for him to see what a lot of us saw not long after he took office. He has gone from a sitting duck to a lame duck.

Jaden recently had his first birthday and Mason will have his second in a few days. Sam is still boss but Mason is eying the position.

Hope Tammy sends some robins this way soon. It is almost time for the males to arrive.

Tuesday, January 06, 2015

Still Here

Despite doctors and medications, I am still here. The new RA drug well controlled the disease but it also stopped my liver from normal function. I had about every side effect the medicine poses. Carolyn called the doctor but he never returned the call so I took it upon myself to stop taking the medication. I was having flash-backs to my friend Fred’s suffering and eventual death due to liver disease.  After a week, I restarted it but only every other day instead of daily. Most of the side effect symptoms have decreased or gone away but I still tire easily. and have trouble sleeping.

The boys are well and as mean as you can expect little boys to be.

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